Tuesday, 20 May 2008


so i attended a tractor show in tuttle, oklahoma on friday, may 16, 2008.  all of the tractors were really neat.  i tried to only take pictures of those who were all rusty and yucky looking but this one really stuck out to me.  it is one of the oldest tractors there.  i sat down and talked with the owner and found out he bought the tractor in 1995 from a museum that was closing.  he still uses it at times and gets many invitations to attend these types of shows because of the rarity of these tractors today.  not many people still have this type of steam tractor that is still running today. he made the comment that the tractor and him were the oldest things there....... very neat!

this plate was on the side of the tractor

this was taken as he was coming to a park
he explained that the only way to stop this tractor is to put it in reverse

the actual fire that makes it run.
it is a combination of coal and water that allows this to work

a close up of the name "case" on the side
you can see all of the residue from the engine on the side

all of the smoke coming out after adding water to the fire.

Note: the pictures have not been touched other than made smaller in order to place them on the web.

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